Articles | Volume 15, issue 2
Data description paper
27 Feb 2023
Data description paper |  | 27 Feb 2023

OceanSODA-MDB: a standardised surface ocean carbonate system dataset for model–data intercomparisons

Peter Edward Land, Helen S. Findlay, Jamie D. Shutler, Jean-Francois Piolle, Richard Sims, Hannah Green, Vassilis Kitidis, Alexander Polukhin, and Irina I. Pipko

Data sets

OceanSODA standardised surface ocean carbonate system matchup dataset Peter Land and Jean-François Piollé

Short summary
Measurements of the ocean’s carbonate system (e.g. CO2 and pH) have increased greatly in recent years, resulting in a need to combine these data with satellite measurements and model results, so they can be used to test predictions of how the ocean reacts to changes such as absorption of the CO2 emitted by humans. We show a method of combining data into regions of interest (100 km circles over a 10 d period) and apply it globally to produce a harmonised and easy-to-use data archive.
Final-revised paper