Articles | Volume 14, issue 2
Data description paper
02 Mar 2022
Data description paper |  | 02 Mar 2022

A 30-year monthly 5 km gridded surface elevation time series for the Greenland Ice Sheet from multiple satellite radar altimeters

Baojun Zhang, Zemin Wang, Jiachun An, Tingting Liu, and Hong Geng

Data sets

Surface elevation time series over the Greenland Ice Sheet (1991-2020) Baojun Zhang, Zemin Wang, Jiachun An, Tingting Liu, and Hong Geng

Short summary
A long-term time series of ice sheet surface elevation change essential for assessing climate change. This study presents a 30-year monthly 5 km gridded surface elevation time series for the Greenland Ice Sheet from multiple satellite radar altimeters. The dataset can provide detailed insight into Greenland Ice Sheet surface elevation change on multiple temporal and spatial scales, thereby providing an opportunity to explore potential associations between ice sheet change and climatic forcing.
Final-revised paper