Articles | Volume 14, issue 9
Data description paper
29 Sep 2022
Data description paper |  | 29 Sep 2022

Streamflow data availability in Europe: a detailed dataset of interpolated flow-duration curves

Simone Persiano, Alessio Pugliese, Alberto Aloe, Jon Olav Skøien, Attilio Castellarin, and Alberto Pistocchi

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Cited articles

Archfield, S. A., Pugliese, A., Castellarin, A., Skøien, J. O., and Kiang, J. E.: Topological and canonical kriging for design flood prediction in ungauged catchments: an improvement over a traditional regional regression approach?, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 17, 1575–1588,, 2013. 
Castellarin, A.: Regional prediction of flow-duration curves using a three-dimensional kriging, J. Hydrol., 513, 179–191,, 2014. 
Castellarin, A., Vogel, R., and Brath, A.: A stochastic index flow model of flow duration curves, Water Resour. Res., 40, W03104,, 2004. 
Castellarin, A., Persiano, S., Pugliese, A., Aloe, A., Skøien, J. O., and Pistocchi, A.: Prediction of streamflow regimes over large geographical areas: interpolated flow–duration curves for the Danube region, Hydrolog. Sci. J., 63, 845–861,, 2018. 
Castiglioni, S., Castellarin, A., Montanari, A., Skøien, J. O., Laaha, G., and Blöschl, G.: Smooth regional estimation of low-flow indices: physiographical space based interpolation and top-kriging, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 15, 715–727,, 2011. 
Short summary
For about 24000 river basins across Europe, this study provides a continuous representation of the streamflow regime in terms of empirical flow–duration curves (FDCs), which are key signatures of the hydrological behaviour of a catchment and are widely used for supporting decisions on water resource management as well as for assessing hydrologic change. FDCs at ungauged sites are estimated by means of a geostatistical procedure starting from data observed at about 3000 sites across Europe.
Final-revised paper