Articles | Volume 14, issue 6
Data description paper
23 Jun 2022
Data description paper |  | 23 Jun 2022

A 30 m annual maize phenology dataset from 1985 to 2020 in China

Quandi Niu, Xuecao Li, Jianxi Huang, Hai Huang, Xianda Huang, Wei Su, and Wenping Yuan

Data sets

A 30-m annual maize phenology dataset from 1985 to 2020 in China Quandi Niu, Xuecao Li, Jianxi Huang, Hai Huang, Xianda Huang, Wei Su, and Wenping Yuan

Short summary
In this paper we generated the first national maize phenology product with a fine spatial resolution (30 m) and a long temporal span (1985–2020) in China, using Landsat images. The derived phenological indicators agree with in situ observations and provide more spatial details than moderate resolution phenology products. The extracted maize phenology dataset can support precise yield estimation and deepen our understanding of the response of agroecosystem to global warming in the future.
Final-revised paper