Articles | Volume 13, issue 1
Data description paper
20 Jan 2021
Data description paper |  | 20 Jan 2021

EstSoil-EH: a high-resolution eco-hydrological modelling parameters dataset for Estonia

Alexander Kmoch, Arno Kanal, Alar Astover, Ain Kull, Holger Virro, Aveliina Helm, Meelis Pärtel, Ivika Ostonen, and Evelyn Uuemaa


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Short summary
The Soil Map of Estonia is the most detailed and information-rich dataset for soils in Estonia. But its information is not immediately usable for analyses or modelling. We derived parameters including soil layering, soil texture (clay, silt, and sand content), coarse fragments, and rock content and aggregated and predicted physical variables related to water and carbon cycles (bulk density, hydraulic conductivity, organic carbon content, available water capacity).
Final-revised paper