Articles | Volume 13, issue 9
Data description paper
10 Sep 2021
Data description paper |  | 10 Sep 2021

Total column ozone measurements by the Dobson spectrophotometer at Belsk (Poland) for the period 1963–2019: homogenization and adjustment to the Brewer spectrophotometer

Janusz W. Krzyścin, Bonawentura Rajewska-Więch, and Janusz Jarosławski

Data sets

Intraday total column ozone measurements at Belsk, Poland, with the Dobson spectrophotometer no.84 since March 23, 1963 up to December 31, 2019 Bonawentura Rajewska-Więch, Janusz W. Krzyścin, Piotr Sobolewski, and Jakub Wink

Short summary
The article presents a dataset comprising all manual observations of total column ozone taken at Belsk (Poland) from 23 March 1963 up to 31 December 2019 by the Dobson spectrophotometer. The dataset contains results of ~115 000 intraday measurements. The original data can be used for trend analyses as the instrument's aging has not been detected. For comparative research with other ozone data sources, correction procedures (for adjustments to the Brewer spectrophotometer output) are proposed.
Final-revised paper