Articles | Volume 13, issue 8
Data description paper
30 Aug 2021
Data description paper |  | 30 Aug 2021

An all-sky 1 km daily land surface air temperature product over mainland China for 2003–2019 from MODIS and ancillary data

Yan Chen, Shunlin Liang, Han Ma, Bing Li, Tao He, and Qian Wang

Data sets

An All-sky 1 km Daily Land Surface Air Temperature Product over Mainland China Yan Chen, Shunlin Liang, Han Ma, Bing Li, Tao He, and Qian Wang

An All-sky 0.01° Daily Land Surface Air Temperature Product over Beijing (2003-2019) Yan Chen, Shunlin Liang, Han Ma, Bing Li, Tao He, and Qian Wang

Short summary
This study used remotely sensed and assimilated data to estimate all-sky land surface air temperature (Ta) using a machine learning method, and developed an all-sky 1 km daily mean land Ta product for 2003–2019 over mainland China. Validation results demonstrated that this dataset has achieved satisfactory accuracy and high spatial resolution simultaneously, which fills the current dataset gap in this field and plays an important role in studies of climate change and the hydrological cycle.
Final-revised paper