Articles | Volume 12, issue 3
Data description paper
28 Aug 2020
Data description paper |  | 28 Aug 2020

A cultivated planet in 2010 – Part 1: The global synergy cropland map

Miao Lu, Wenbin Wu, Liangzhi You, Linda See, Steffen Fritz, Qiangyi Yu, Yanbing Wei, Di Chen, Peng Yang, and Bing Xue


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Short summary
Global cropland distribution is critical for agricultural monitoring and food security. We propose a new Self-adapting Statistics Allocation Model (SASAM) to develop the global map of cropland distribution. SASAM is based on the fusion of multiple existing cropland maps and multilevel statistics of cropland area, which is independent of training samples. The synergy map has higher accuracy than the input datasets and better consistency with the cropland statistics.
Final-revised paper