Articles | Volume 12, issue 2
Data description paper
22 Jun 2020
Data description paper |  | 22 Jun 2020

Description of the multi-approach gravity field models from Swarm GPS data

João Teixeira da Encarnação, Pieter Visser, Daniel Arnold, Aleš Bezdek, Eelco Doornbos, Matthias Ellmer, Junyi Guo, Jose van den IJssel, Elisabetta Iorfida, Adrian Jäggi, Jaroslav Klokocník, Sandro Krauss, Xinyuan Mao, Torsten Mayer-Gürr, Ulrich Meyer, Josef Sebera, C. K. Shum, Chaoyang Zhang, Yu Zhang, and Christoph Dahle

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Cited articles

Allende-Alba, G., Montenbruck, O., Jäggi, A., Arnold, D., and Zangerl, F.: Reduced-dynamic and kinematic baseline determination for the Swarm mission, GPS Solutions, 21, 1275–1284,, 2017. 
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Short summary
Although not the primary mission of the Swarm three-satellite constellation, the sensors on these satellites are accurate enough to measure the melting and accumulation of Earth’s ice reservoirs, precipitation cycles, floods, and droughts, amongst others. Swarm sees these changes well compared to the dedicated GRACE satellites at spatial scales of roughly 1500 km. Swarm confirms most GRACE observations, such as the large ice melting in Greenland and the wet and dry seasons in the Amazon.
Final-revised paper