21 Jan 2019
 | 21 Jan 2019
Status: this preprint has been retracted.

Exploring Geomorphic Processes and Martian Gale Crater Topography on Mars using CTX and HiRISE Express Image Dataset

Pavan Kumar, Jiwan Singh Rawat, Sufia Rehman, Haroon Sajjad, Meenu Rani, Kirti Kumar Mohanto, Osheen Rai, and Bismay Tripathy

Abstract. Exploration of Martian surface and the crater deposition has recently attracted scientific community. We hypothesized the existence of momentous topographic features of different origin on the Martian surface. It was observed that Gale Crater has a thick sediment deposition mainly of fluvial and aeolian origin. This study has utilized spatially referenced topographic dataset Context Camera images acquired from Mars reconnaissance orbiter for exploring the geomorphic processes and topography of Gale Crater. A base map was prepared by mosaicking all imagesfor preparing geomorphologic map of the crater. Surface map of the topography of the Crater was prepared using Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) data. HiRISE images were used to examine the identified geomorphic features. Results revealed that the presence of both fluvial and aeolian processes and their respective associated landforms in the Crater. Depositional landforms such as alluvial fan, inverted channel and mound and erosional landform namely canyons were distinctly identified on the image. Yardangs produced by erosional and ripple and dunes formed by the depositional work of wind were also identified in the Crater. The fluvial channel, inverted channels and fan shaped deposits further signifies ongoing aqueous activity on the Gale Crater. Sinuous ridges are the common features present on the floor of Crater. Rock particles, sand and silt in the crater were found to have been transported and deposited by flowing water on its floor. Presence of different sedimentary structures and valley revealed ancient sedimentary deposition due to water action. Significant ejecta morphologies were also identified on Martian surface. Our study confirms the previous studies that presence of H2O sub surface volatiles. Concentrations of volatiles have produced double layer ejecta morphology. The concept and findings of this study will escalate knowledge about the surface features on Gale Crater. However, more coherent investigation is needed for modelling and understanding the processes and landforms of the crater. Context Camera (CTX) and High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) images have proved useful for geomorphic and topographic mapping of the Mars planet. The dataset used in this study can be accessed on Mars Orbital Data Explorer (

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Pavan Kumar, Jiwan Singh Rawat, Sufia Rehman, Haroon Sajjad, Meenu Rani, Kirti Kumar Mohanto, Osheen Rai, and Bismay Tripathy

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Interactive discussion

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Pavan Kumar, Jiwan Singh Rawat, Sufia Rehman, Haroon Sajjad, Meenu Rani, Kirti Kumar Mohanto, Osheen Rai, and Bismay Tripathy
Pavan Kumar, Jiwan Singh Rawat, Sufia Rehman, Haroon Sajjad, Meenu Rani, Kirti Kumar Mohanto, Osheen Rai, and Bismay Tripathy


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Latest update: 25 Mar 2025

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Short summary
Geomorphic processes on Martian Gale Crater topography were explored using visible and topographic datasets from CTX, HiRISE images. Fluvial and aeolian processes have been active and produced various landforms on Martin Gale Crater surface over the ages. Single layer ejecta was found concentrated between equatorial latitudes while double, multiple and radial layers were observed at middle latitudes.Findings of this study will escalate knowledge about the surface features on Gale Crater.