Calving front positions for 42 key glaciers of the Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet: a sub-seasonal record from 2013 to 2023 based on deep-learning application to Landsat multi-spectral imagery
Data sets
Glacier calving front locations for the Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet derived from remote sensing and deep learning from 2013 to 2023
Manually delineated glacier calving front locations of 27 marine-terminating glaciers from 2013 to 2021
Manually delineated glacier calving front locations of 20 marine-terminating glaciers of the Antarctic Peninsula from 2013 to 2023
Terminus area change of 42 key glaciers of the Antarctic Peninsula from 2013 to 2023 derived from remote sensing and deep learning
Model code and software
eloebel/glacier-front-extraction: Initial release v1.0.0
eloebel/rectilinear-box-method: Initial release v1.0.0