Articles | Volume 17, issue 3
Data description paper
21 Mar 2025
Data description paper |  | 21 Mar 2025

Global ocean surface heat fluxes derived from the maximum entropy production framework accounting for ocean heat storage and Bowen ratio adjustments

Yong Yang, Huaiwei Sun, Jingfeng Wang, Wenxin Zhang, Gang Zhao, Weiguang Wang, Lei Cheng, Lu Chen, Hui Qin, and Zhanzhang Cai

Data sets

Global ocean surface heat fluxes derived from the maximum entropy production framework accounting for ocean heat storage and Bowen ratio adjustments Yong Yang et al.

Short summary
Traditional methods for estimating ocean heat flux often introduce large uncertainties due to complex parameterizations. To tackle this issue, we developed a novel framework based on maximum entropy production (MEP) theory. By incorporating heat storage effects and refining the Bowen ratio, we enhanced the MEP method's accuracy. This research derives a new long-term global ocean latent heat flux dataset that offers high accuracy, enhancing our understanding of ocean energy dynamics.
Final-revised paper