Articles | Volume 16, issue 8
Data description paper
07 Aug 2024
Data description paper |  | 07 Aug 2024

Demersal fishery Impacts on Sedimentary Organic Matter (DISOM): a global harmonized database of studies assessing the impacts of demersal fisheries on sediment biogeochemistry

Sarah Paradis, Justin Tiano, Emil De Borger, Antonio Pusceddu, Clare Bradshaw, Claudia Ennas, Claudia Morys, and Marija Sciberras


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Short summary
DISOM is a database that compiles data of 71 independent studies that assess the effect of demersal fisheries on sedimentological and biogeochemical properties. This database also provides crucial metadata (i.e. environmental and fishing descriptors) needed to understand the effects of demersal fisheries in a global context.
Final-revised paper