Articles | Volume 16, issue 7
Data description paper
24 Jul 2024
Data description paper |  | 24 Jul 2024

Retrieval of dominant methane (CH4) emission sources, the first high-resolution (1–2 m) dataset of storage tanks of China in 2000–2021

Fang Chen, Lei Wang, Yu Wang, Haiying Zhang, Ning Wang, Pengfei Ma, and Bo Yu

Data sets

Retrieval of dominant methane (CH4) emission sources, the first high resolution (1-2m) dataset of storage tanks of China in 2000-2021 Fang Chen et al.

Short summary
Storage tanks are responsible for approximately 25 % of CH4 emissions in the atmosphere, exacerbating climate warming. Currently there is no publicly accessible storage tank inventory. We generated the first high-spatial-resolution (1–2 m) storage tank dataset (STD) over 92 typical cities in China in 2021, totaling 14 461 storage tanks with the construction year from 2000–2021. It shows significant agreement with CH4 emission spatially and temporally, promoting the CH4 control strategy proposal.
Final-revised paper