Articles | Volume 16, issue 5
Data description paper
22 May 2024
Data description paper |  | 22 May 2024

High-resolution mapping of monthly industrial water withdrawal in China from 1965 to 2020

Chengcheng Hou, Yan Li, Shan Sang, Xu Zhao, Yanxu Liu, Yinglu Liu, and Fang Zhao

Data sets

The China industrial water withdrawal dataset Chengcheng Hou and Yan Li

Model code and software

Code for mapping CIWW dataset (CIWW) Chengcheng Hou and Yan Li

Short summary
To fill the gap in the gridded industrial water withdrawal (IWW) data in China, we developed the China Industrial Water Withdrawal (CIWW) dataset, which provides monthly IWWs from 1965 to 2020 at a spatial resolution of 0.1°/0.25° and auxiliary data including subsectoral IWW and industrial output value in 2008. This dataset can help understand the human water use dynamics and support studies in hydrology, geography, sustainability sciences, and water resource management and allocation in China.
Final-revised paper