Articles | Volume 16, issue 5
Data description paper
22 May 2024
Data description paper |  | 22 May 2024

LGHAP v2: a global gap-free aerosol optical depth and PM2.5 concentration dataset since 2000 derived via big Earth data analytics

Kaixu Bai, Ke Li, Liuqing Shao, Xinran Li, Chaoshun Liu, Zhengqiang Li, Mingliang Ma, Di Han, Yibing Sun, Zhe Zheng, Ruijie Li, Ni-Bin Chang, and Jianping Guo

Data sets

LGHAP: Long-term Gap-free High-resolution Air Pollutants concentration dataset Kaixu Bai and Ke Li

LGHAP air pollution data user guide version 2 Kaixu Bai and Ke Li

Short summary
A global gap-free high-resolution air pollutant dataset (LGHAP v2) was generated to provide spatially contiguous AOD and PM2.5 concentration maps with daily 1 km resolution from 2000 to 2021. This gap-free dataset has good data accuracies compared to ground-based AOD and PM2.5 concentration observations, which is a reliable database to advance aerosol-related studies and trigger multidisciplinary applications for environmental management, health risk assessment, and climate change analysis.
Final-revised paper