Articles | Volume 16, issue 5
Data description paper
13 May 2024
Data description paper |  | 13 May 2024

Predictive mapping of organic carbon stocks in surficial sediments of the Canadian continental margin

Graham Epstein, Susanna D. Fuller, Dipti Hingmire, Paul G. Myers, Angelica Peña, Clark Pennelly, and Julia K. Baum

Data sets

Predictive maps and related data on organic carbon stocks in surficial sediments of the Canadian continental margin Graham Epstein et al.

Short summary
Improved mapping of surficial seabed sediment organic carbon is vital for best-practice marine management. Here, using systematic data review, data unification process and machine learning techniques, the first national predictive maps were produced for Canada at 200 m resolution. We show fine-scale spatial variation of organic carbon across the continental margin and estimate the total standing stock in the top 30 cm of the sediment to be 10.9 Gt.
Final-revised paper