Articles | Volume 15, issue 11
Data description paper
16 Nov 2023
Data description paper |  | 16 Nov 2023

High-resolution emission inventory of full-volatility organic compounds from cooking in China during 2015–2021

Zeqi Li, Shuxiao Wang, Shengyue Li, Xiaochun Wang, Guanghan Huang, Xing Chang, Lyuyin Huang, Chengrui Liang, Yun Zhu, Haotian Zheng, Qian Song, Qingru Wu, Fenfen Zhang, and Bin Zhao

Data sets

High-resolution emission inventory of full-volatility organic from cooking souce in China during 2015-2021 Zeqi Li, Shuxiao Wang, Shengyue Li, Xiaochun Wang, Guanghan Huang, Xing Chang, Lyuyin Huang, Chengrui Liang, Yun Zhu, Haotian Zheng, Qian Song, Qingru Wu, Fenfen Zhang, and Bin Zhao

Short summary
This study developed the first full-volatility organic emission inventory for cooking sources in China, presenting high-resolution cooking emissions during 2015–2021. It identified the key subsectors and hotspots of cooking emissions, analyzed emission trends and drivers, and proposed future control strategies. The dataset is valuable for accurately simulating organic aerosol formation and evolution and for understanding the impact of organic emissions on air pollution and climate change.
Final-revised paper