Articles | Volume 15, issue 11
Data description paper
31 Oct 2023
Data description paper |  | 31 Oct 2023

A new global oceanic multi-model net primary productivity data product

Thomas J. Ryan-Keogh, Sandy J. Thomalla, Nicolette Chang, and Tumelo Moalusi

Data sets

Net primary production from the Behrenfeld-CbPM, Westberry-CbPM and Silsbe-CAFE algorithms -- HADLEY MLD 0.125 Criterion Thomas James Ryan-Keogh, Sandy Jane Thomalla, Nicolette Chang, and Tumelo Moalusi

Net primary production from the Behrenfeld-CbPM, Westberry-CbPM and Silsbe-CAFE algorithms -- HYCOM MLD 0.030 Criterion Thomas James Ryan-Keogh, Sandy Jane Thomalla, Nicolette Chang, and Tumelo Moalusi

Net primary production from the Behrenfeld-CbPM, Westberry-CbPM and Silsbe-CAFE algorithms -- HYCOM MLD 0.125 Criterion Thomas James Ryan-Keogh, Sandy Jane Thomalla, Nicolette Chang, and Tumelo Moalusi

Net primary production from the Eppley-VGPM, Behrenfeld-VGPM, Behrenfeld-CbPM, Westberry-CbPM and Silsbe-CAFE algorithms Thomas James Ryan-Keogh, Sandy Jane Thomalla, Nicolette Chang, and Tumelo Moalusi

Short summary
Oceanic productivity has been highlighted as an important environmental indicator of climate change in comparison to other existing metrics. However, the availability of these data to assess trends and trajectories is plagued with issues, such as application to only a single satellite reducing the time period for assessment. We have applied multiple algorithms to the longest ocean colour record to provide a record for assessing climate-change-driven trends.
Final-revised paper