Articles | Volume 15, issue 9
Data description paper
26 Sep 2023
Data description paper |  | 26 Sep 2023

The secret life of garnets: a comprehensive, standardized dataset of garnet geochemical analyses integrating localities and petrogenesis

Kristen Chiama, Morgan Gabor, Isabella Lupini, Randolph Rutledge, Julia Ann Nord, Shuang Zhang, Asmaa Boujibar, Emma S. Bullock, Michael J. Walter, Kerstin Lehnert, Frank Spear, Shaunna M. Morrison, and Robert M. Hazen

Data sets

ESMD - Garnet Dataset Kristen Chiama, Morgan Gabor, Isabella Lupini, Randolph Rutledge, Julia Ann Nord, Shuang Zhang, Asmaa Boujibar, Emma S. Bullock, Michael J. Walter, Kerstin Lehnert, Frank Spear, Shaunna Morrison, and Robert M. Hazen

Short summary
We compiled 95 650 garnet sample analyses from a variety of sources, ranging from large data repositories to peer-reviewed literature. Garnets are commonly used as indicators of geological formation environments and are an ideal subject for the creation of an extensive dataset incorporating composition, localities, formation, age, temperature, pressure, and geochemistry. This dataset is available in the Evolutionary System of Mineralogy Database and paves the way for future geochemical studies.
Final-revised paper