Articles | Volume 15, issue 8
Data description paper
09 Aug 2023
Data description paper |  | 09 Aug 2023

China Building Rooftop Area: the first multi-annual (2016–2021) and high-resolution (2.5 m) building rooftop area dataset in China derived with super-resolution segmentation from Sentinel-2 imagery

Zeping Liu, Hong Tang, Lin Feng, and Siqing Lyu

Data sets

CBRA: The first multi-annual (2016-2021) and high-resolution (2.5 m) building rooftop area dataset in China derived with Super-resolution Segmentation from Sentinel-2 imagery Zeping Liu, Hong Tang, Lin Feng, and Siqing Lyu

Model code and software

Spatio-Temporal aware Super-Resolution SEGmentation framework Zeping Liu

Short summary
Large-scale maps of building rooftop area (BRA) are crucial for addressing policy decisions and sustainable development. In this paper, we propose a deep-learning method for high-resolution BRA mapping (2.5 m) from Sentinel-2 imagery (10 m). The resulting China building rooftop area dataset (CBRA) is the first multi-annual (2016–2021) and high-resolution (2.5 m) BRA dataset in China. Cross-comparisons show that the CBRA achieves the best performance in capturing the spatiotemporal information.
Final-revised paper