Articles | Volume 15, issue 7
Data description paper
27 Jul 2023
Data description paper |  | 27 Jul 2023

HR-GLDD: a globally distributed dataset using generalized deep learning (DL) for rapid landslide mapping on high-resolution (HR) satellite imagery

Sansar Raj Meena, Lorenzo Nava, Kushanav Bhuyan, Silvia Puliero, Lucas Pedrosa Soares, Helen Cristina Dias, Mario Floris, and Filippo Catani

Data sets

HR-GLDD Sansar Raj Meena, Lorenzo nava, Kushanav Bhuyan, Silvia Puliero, Lucas Pedrosa Soares, Helen Cristina Dias, Mario Floris, and Filippo Catani

Short summary
Landslides occur often across the world, with the potential to cause significant damage. Although a substantial amount of research has been conducted on the mapping of landslides using remote-sensing data, gaps and uncertainties remain when developing models to be operational at the global scale. To address this issue, we present the High-Resolution Global landslide Detector Database (HR-GLDD) for landslide mapping with landslide instances from 10 different physiographical regions globally.
Final-revised paper