Articles | Volume 15, issue 7
Data description paper
11 Jul 2023
Data description paper |  | 11 Jul 2023

Mapping global non-floodplain wetlands

Charles R. Lane, Ellen D'Amico, Jay R. Christensen, Heather E. Golden, Qiusheng Wu, and Adnan Rajib

Data sets

Global floodplains data set (GFPlain90) C. R. Lane, E. D'Amico, J. R. Christensen, H. E. Golden, Q. Wu, and A. Rajib

Global wetland data set (Global Wetlands) C. R. Lane, E. D'Amico, J. R. Christensen, H. E. Golden, Q. Wu, and A. Rajib

Global non-floodplain wetlands data set (Global NFWs) C. R. Lane, E. D'Amico, J. R. Christensen, H. E. Golden, Q. Wu, and A. Rajib

Short summary
Non-floodplain wetlands (NFWs) – wetlands located outside floodplains – confer watershed-scale resilience to hydrological, biogeochemical, and biotic disturbances. Although they are frequently unmapped, we identified ~ 33 million NFWs covering > 16 × 10 km2 across the globe. NFWs constitute the majority of the world's wetlands (53 %). Despite their small size (median 0.039 km2), these imperiled systems have an outsized impact on watershed functions and sustainability and require protection.
Final-revised paper