Articles | Volume 15, issue 7
Data description paper
05 Jul 2023
Data description paper |  | 05 Jul 2023

Res-CN (Reservoir dataset in China): hydrometeorological time series and landscape attributes across 3254 Chinese reservoirs

Youjiang Shen, Karina Nielsen, Menaka Revel, Dedi Liu, and Dai Yamazaki

Data sets

A dataset for reservoir-catchment characteristics for 3254 Chinese reservoirs, i.e., Res-CN Youjiang Shen, Karina Nielsen, Menaka Revel, Dedi Liu, and Dai Yamazaki

Short summary
Res-CN fills a gap in a comprehensive and extensive dataset of reservoir-catchment characteristics for 3254 Chinese reservoirs with 512 catchment-level attributes and significantly enhanced spatial and temporal coverage (e.g., 67 % increase in water level and 225 % in storage anomaly) of time series of reservoir water level (data available for 20 % of 3254 reservoirs), water area (99 %), storage anomaly (92 %), and evaporation (98 %), supporting a wide range of applications and disciplines.
Final-revised paper