Articles | Volume 15, issue 3
Data description paper
24 Mar 2023
Data description paper |  | 24 Mar 2023

Estimating local agricultural gross domestic product (AgGDP) across the world

Yating Ru, Brian Blankespoor, Ulrike Wood-Sichra, Timothy S. Thomas, Liangzhi You, and Erwin Kalvelagen

Data sets

Global Gridded Agricultural Gross Domestic Product (AgGDP) IFPRI and World Bank

Short summary
Economic statistics are frequently produced at an administrative level that lacks detail to examine development patterns and the exposure to natural hazards. This paper disaggregates national and subnational administrative statistics of agricultural GDP into a global dataset at the local level using satellite-derived indicators. As an illustration, the paper estimates that the exposure of areas with extreme drought to agricultural GDP is USD 432 billion, where nearly 1.2 billion people live.
Final-revised paper