Articles | Volume 15, issue 3
Data description paper
21 Mar 2023
Data description paper |  | 21 Mar 2023

Southern Europe and western Asian marine heatwaves (SEWA-MHWs): a dataset based on macroevents

Giulia Bonino, Simona Masina, Giuliano Galimberti, and Matteo Moretti


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Short summary
We present a unique observational dataset of marine heat wave (MHW) macroevents and their characteristics over southern Europe and western Asian (SEWA) basins in the SEWA-MHW dataset. This dataset is the first effort in the literature to archive extremely hot sea surface temperature macroevents. The advantages of the availability of SEWA-MHWs are avoiding the waste of computational resources to detect MHWs and building a consistent framework which would increase comparability among MHW studies.
Final-revised paper