Articles | Volume 14, issue 2
Data description paper
21 Feb 2022
Data description paper |  | 21 Feb 2022

A new Greenland digital elevation model derived from ICESat-2 during 2018–2019

Yubin Fan, Chang-Qing Ke, and Xiaoyi Shen

Data sets

Greenland DEM and its uncertainty maps based on ICESat-2 Yubin Fan, Chang-Qing Ke, and Xiaoyi Shen

Short summary
A new digital elevation model of Greenland was provided based on the ICESat-2 observations acquired from November 2018 to November 2019. A model fit method was applied within the grid cells at different spatial resolutions to estimate the surface elevations with a modal resolution of 500 m. We estimated the uncertainty with a median difference of −0.48 m for all of Greenland, which can benefit studies of elevation change and mass balance in Greenland.
Final-revised paper