Articles | Volume 14, issue 11
Data description paper
24 Nov 2022
Data description paper |  | 24 Nov 2022

Rescue and quality control of historical geomagnetic measurement at Sheshan observatory, China

Suqin Zhang, Changhua Fu, Jianjun Wang, Guohao Zhu, Chuanhua Chen, Shaopeng He, Pengkun Guo, and Guoping Chang


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Short summary
The Sheshan observatory has nearly 150 years of observation history, and its observation data have important scientific value. However, with time, these precious historical data face the risk of damage and loss. We have carried out a series of rescues on the historical data of the Sheshan observatory. New historical datasets were released, including the quality-controlled absolute hourly mean values of three components (D, H, and Z) from 1933 to 2019.
Final-revised paper