Articles | Volume 14, issue 9
Data description paper
01 Sep 2022
Data description paper |  | 01 Sep 2022

A new global dataset of mountain glacier centerlines and lengths

Dahong Zhang, Gang Zhou, Wen Li, Shiqiang Zhang, Xiaojun Yao, and Shimei Wei

Data sets

A new global dataset of mountain glacier centerline and length Dahong Zhang and Shiqiang Zhang

Short summary
The length of a glacier is a key determinant of its geometry; glacier centerlines are crucial inputs for many glaciological applications. Based on the European allocation theory, we present a new global dataset that includes the centerlines and lengths of 198 137 mountain glaciers. The accuracy of the glacier centerlines was 89.68 %. The constructed dataset comprises 17 sub-datasets which contain the centerlines and lengths of glacier tributaries.
Final-revised paper