Articles | Volume 14, issue 8
Data description paper
25 Aug 2022
Data description paper |  | 25 Aug 2022

Stable water isotope monitoring network of different water bodies in Shiyang River basin, a typical arid river in China

Guofeng Zhu, Yuwei Liu, Peiji Shi, Wenxiong Jia, Junju Zhou, Yuanfeng Liu, Xinggang Ma, Hanxiong Pan, Yu Zhang, Zhiyuan Zhang, Zhigang Sun, Leilei Yong, and Kailiang Zhao


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Short summary
From 2015 to 2020, we studied the Shiyang River basin, which has the highest utilization rate of water resources and the most prominent contradiction of water use, as a typical demonstration basin to establish and improve the isotope hydrology observation system, including river source region, oasis region, reservoir channel system region, oasis farmland region, ecological engineering construction region, and salinization process region.
Final-revised paper