Articles | Volume 14, issue 3
Data description paper
28 Mar 2022
Data description paper |  | 28 Mar 2022

High-resolution spatial-distribution maps of road transport exhaust emissions in Chile, 1990–2020

Mauricio Osses, Néstor Rojas, Cecilia Ibarra, Víctor Valdebenito, Ignacio Laengle, Nicolás Pantoja, Darío Osses, Kevin Basoa, Sebastián Tolvett, Nicolás Huneeus, Laura Gallardo, and Benjamín Gómez


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Short summary
This paper presents a detailed estimate of on-road vehicle emissions for Chile, between 1990–2020, and an analysis of emission trends for greenhouse gases and local pollutants. Data are disaggregated by type of vehicle and region at 0.01° × 0.01°. While the vehicle fleet grew 5-fold, CO2 emissions increased at a lower rate and local pollutants decreased. These trends can be explained by changes in improved vehicle technologies, better fuel quality and enforcement of emission standards.
Final-revised paper