Articles | Volume 13, issue 11
Data description paper
26 Nov 2021
Data description paper |  | 26 Nov 2021

A high-accuracy rainfall dataset by merging multiple satellites and dense gauges over the southern Tibetan Plateau for 2014–2019 warm seasons

Kunbiao Li, Fuqiang Tian, Mohd Yawar Ali Khan, Ran Xu, Zhihua He, Long Yang, Hui Lu, and Yingzhao Ma

Data sets

A High-Accuracy Rainfall Dataset by Merging Multi-Satellites and Dense Gauges over Southern Tibetan Plateau (2014-2019 Warm Seasons) Kunbiao Li and Fuqiang Tian

Short summary
Due to complex climate and topography, there is still a lack of a high-quality rainfall dataset for hydrological modeling over the Tibetan Plateau. This study aims to establish a high-accuracy daily rainfall product over the southern Tibetan Plateau through merging satellite rainfall estimates based on a high-density rainfall gauge network. Statistical and hydrological evaluation indicated that the new dataset outperforms the raw satellite estimates and several other products of similar types.
Final-revised paper