Articles | Volume 13, issue 9
Data description paper
24 Sep 2021
Data description paper |  | 24 Sep 2021

Canadian historical Snow Water Equivalent dataset (CanSWE, 1928–2020)

Vincent Vionnet, Colleen Mortimer, Mike Brady, Louise Arnal, and Ross Brown

Data sets

Canadian historical Snow Water Equivalent dataset (CanSWE, 1928-2020) Vionnet V., Mortimer C., Brady M., Arnal L. and Brown R.

Short summary
Water equivalent of snow cover (SWE) is a key variable for water management, hydrological forecasting and climate monitoring. A new Canadian SWE dataset (CanSWE) is presented in this paper. It compiles data collected by multiple agencies and companies at more than 2500 different locations across Canada over the period 1928–2020. Snow depth and derived bulk snow density are also included when available.
Final-revised paper