Articles | Volume 13, issue 9
Data description paper
07 Sep 2021
Data description paper |  | 07 Sep 2021

Meteorological, snow and soil data (2013–2019) from a herb tundra permafrost site at Bylot Island, Canadian high Arctic, for driving and testing snow and land surface models

Florent Domine, Georg Lackner, Denis Sarrazin, Mathilde Poirier, and Maria Belke-Brea


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Short summary
Current sophisticated snow physics models were mostly designed for alpine conditions and cannot adequately simulate the physical properties of Arctic snowpacks. New snow models will require Arctic data sets for forcing and validation. We provide an extensive driving and testing data set from a high Arctic herb tundra site in Canada. Unique validating data include continuous time series of snow and soil thermal conductivity and temperature profiles. Field observations in spring are provided.
Final-revised paper