Articles | Volume 13, issue 6
Data description paper
03 Jun 2021
Data description paper |  | 03 Jun 2021

Intercomparisons, error assessments, and technical information on historical upper-air measurements

Noemi Imfeld, Leopold Haimberger, Alexander Sterin, Yuri Brugnara, and Stefan Brönnimann

Data sets

Intercomparisons, Error Assessments, and Technical Information on Historical Upper-Air Measurements Noemi Imfeld, Leopold Haimberger, Alexander M. Sterin, Yuri Brugnara, and Stefan Brönnimann

Short summary
Upper-air data form the backbone of reanalysis products, particularly in the pre-satellite era. However, historical upper-air data are error-prone because measurements at high altitude were especially challenging. Here, we present a collection of data from historical intercomparisons of radiosondes and error assessments reaching back to the 1930s that may allow us to better characterize such errors. The full database, including digitized data, images, and metadata, is made publicly available.
Final-revised paper