Articles | Volume 13, issue 5
Data description paper
18 May 2021
Data description paper |  | 18 May 2021

A new global gridded sea surface temperature data product based on multisource data

Mengmeng Cao, Kebiao Mao, Yibo Yan, Jiancheng Shi, Han Wang, Tongren Xu, Shu Fang, and Zijin Yuan

Data sets

A New Global Gridded Sea Surface Temperature Data Product Based on Multisource Data Mengmeng Cao, Kebiao Mao, Yibo Yan, Jiancheng Shi, Han Wang, Tongren Xu, Shu Fang, and Zijin Yuan

Short summary
We constructed a temperature depth and observation time correction model to eliminate the sampling depth and temporal differences among different data. Then, we proposed a reconstructed spatial model that filters and removes missing pixels and low-quality pixels contaminated by clouds from raw SST images and retrieves real sea surface temperatures under cloud coverage based on multisource data to generate a high-quality unified global SST product with long-term spatiotemporal continuity.
Final-revised paper