Articles | Volume 12, issue 4
Data description paper
18 Dec 2020
Data description paper |  | 18 Dec 2020

Year-round record of near-surface ozone and O3 enhancement events (OEEs) at Dome A, East Antarctica

Minghu Ding, Biao Tian, Michael C. B. Ashley, Davide Putero, Zhenxi Zhu, Lifan Wang, Shihai Yang, Chuanjin Li, and Cunde Xiao


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Short summary
Dome A, is one of the harshest environments on Earth.To evaluate the characteristics of near-surface O3, continuous observations were carried out in 2016. The results showed different patterns between coastal and inland Antarctic areas that were characterized by high concentrations in cold seasons and at night. Short-range transport accounted for the O3 enhancement events (OEEs) during summer at DA, rather than efficient local production, which is consistent with previous studies.
Final-revised paper