Articles | Volume 12, issue 4
Data description paper
23 Nov 2020
Data description paper |  | 23 Nov 2020

Key landscapes for conservation land cover and change monitoring, thematic and validation datasets for sub-Saharan Africa

Zoltan Szantoi, Andreas Brink, Andrea Lupi, Claudio Mammone, and Gabriel Jaffrain

Data sets

Land Cover and Change Thematic and Validation Datasets for Sub-Saharan Africa Zoltan Szantoi, Andreas Brink, Andrea Lupi, Claudio Mammone, and Gabriel Jaffrain

Short summary
Larger ecological zones and wildlife corridors in sub-Saharan Africa require monitoring, as social and economic demands put high pressure on them. Copernicus’ Hot-Spot Monitoring service developed a satellite-imagery-based monitoring workflow to map such areas. Here, we present a total of 560 442 km2 from which 153 665 km2 is mapped with eight land cover classes while 406 776 km2 is mapped with up to 32 classes. Besides presenting the thematic products, we also present our validation datasets.
Final-revised paper