Articles | Volume 12, issue 4
Data description paper
06 Nov 2020
Data description paper |  | 06 Nov 2020

Tropical cyclones vertical structure from GNSS radio occultation: an archive covering the period 2001–2018

Elżbieta Lasota, Andrea K. Steiner, Gottfried Kirchengast, and Riccardo Biondi

Data sets

A comprehensive archive of Tropical cyclones vertical structure covering the period 2001–2018 E. Lasota, A. Steiner, G. Kirchengast, and R. Biondi

GNSS Radio Occultation Record (OPS 5.6 2001–2018) EOPAC Team

Short summary
In this work, we provide a comprehensive archive of tropical cyclone vertical structure for the period 2001–2018. The tropical cyclone best tracks are co-located in time and space with high-vertical-resolution atmospheric profiles (temperature, pressure, humidity and refractivity) from radio occultations and with climatological profiles. This dataset can be used to analyze the inner vertical thermodynamic structure of tropical cyclones and the pre-cyclone environment.
Final-revised paper