Articles | Volume 10, issue 4
29 Nov 2018
 | 29 Nov 2018

Spatially distributed water-balance and meteorological data from the Wolverton catchment, Sequoia National Park, California

Roger C. Bales, Erin M. Stacy, Xiande Meng, Martha H. Conklin, Peter B. Kirchner, and Zeshi Zheng


Interactive discussion

Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Short summary
This 2006–2016 record of snow depth, soil moisture and soil temperature, and meteorological data quantifies hydrologic inputs and storage in the mostly undeveloped Wolverton catchment (2180–2750 m) in Sequoia National Park. Two meteorological stations were installed, along with clustered sensors that recorded differences in snow and soil moisture across the landscape with regard to aspect and canopy cover at elevations of 2250 and 2625 m, just above the current rain–snow transition elevation.
Final-revised paper