09 Jan 2025
 | 09 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal ESSD.

Global-PCG-10: a 10-m global map of plastic-covered greenhouses derived from Sentinel-2 in 2020

Bowen Niu, Quanlong Feng, Bingwen Qiu, Shuai Su, Xinmin Zhang, Rongji Cui, Xinhong Zhang, Fanli Sun, Wenhui Yan, Siyuan Zhao, Hanyu Shi, Cong Ou, Xiaolu Yan, Jianhua Gong, Gaofei Yin, Jianxi Huang, Jiantao Liu, Bingbo Gao, Xiaochuang Yao, Jianyu Yang, and Dehai Zhu

Abstract. Plastic-covered greenhouse (PCG) is widely used in agricultural production due to its temperature control, water conservation, and wind protection characteristics, significantly enhancing crop yields and economic benefits. However, its long-term and extensive use can lead to environmental issues, such as the accumulation of local toxic gases and the degradation of soil physicochemical properties. Therefore, obtaining a comprehensive distribution of PCGs is essential. To monitor PCGs on a large scale, this study developed a novel approach for producing the first global 10-meters PCGs dataset (Global-PCG-10) with high-quality. Firstly, the globe was divided into multiple 5-degree grids, and grids for classification were organized based on global cropland layer. Then, multi-temporal Sentinel-2 data and initial labels of PCGs were obtained through Google Earth Engine (GEE) to create a training set for deep learning. Next, initial labels were optimized with the active learning strategy combined with the deep learning model, APC-Net. Finally, the PCGs classification results were predicted, spatially analyzed, and compared with publicly released land use and land cover (LULC) datasets. Experimental results indicate that the proposed Global-PCG-10 dataset has a high overall accuracy of 92.08 %. The global area of PCGs is 14,259.85 km², and 69.24 % of PCGs are located in Asia, covering around 9,874.51 km2. China has the largest PCGs area of 8,224.90 km2, accounting for 57.67 % of the globe and 83.29 % of Asia. Comparisons with other LULC datasets revealed that PCGs, which should be classified as cropland, are often misclassified as bareland, impervious surfaces, ice/snow, etc.

Publisher's note: Copernicus Publications remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims made in the text, published maps, institutional affiliations, or any other geographical representation in this preprint. The responsibility to include appropriate place names lies with the authors.
Bowen Niu, Quanlong Feng, Bingwen Qiu, Shuai Su, Xinmin Zhang, Rongji Cui, Xinhong Zhang, Fanli Sun, Wenhui Yan, Siyuan Zhao, Hanyu Shi, Cong Ou, Xiaolu Yan, Jianhua Gong, Gaofei Yin, Jianxi Huang, Jiantao Liu, Bingbo Gao, Xiaochuang Yao, Jianyu Yang, and Dehai Zhu

Status: open (until 26 Apr 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on essd-2024-538', Anonymous Referee #1, 16 Jan 2025 reply
  • CC1: 'Comment on essd-2024-538', Liang He, 06 Feb 2025 reply
Bowen Niu, Quanlong Feng, Bingwen Qiu, Shuai Su, Xinmin Zhang, Rongji Cui, Xinhong Zhang, Fanli Sun, Wenhui Yan, Siyuan Zhao, Hanyu Shi, Cong Ou, Xiaolu Yan, Jianhua Gong, Gaofei Yin, Jianxi Huang, Jiantao Liu, Bingbo Gao, Xiaochuang Yao, Jianyu Yang, and Dehai Zhu

Data sets

Global-PCG-10: a 10-m global map of plastic-covered greenhouses derived from Sentinel-2 in 2020 Bowen Niu, Quanlong Feng, Bingwen Qiu, Shuai Su, Xinmin Zhang, Rongji Cui, Xinhong Zhang, Fanli Sun, Wenhui Yan, Siyuan Zhao, Hanyu Shi, Cong Ou, Xiaolu Yan, Jianhua Gong, Gaofei Yin, Jianxi Huang, Jiantao Liu, Bingbo Gao, Xiaochuang Yao, Jianyu Yang, and Dehai Zhu

Bowen Niu, Quanlong Feng, Bingwen Qiu, Shuai Su, Xinmin Zhang, Rongji Cui, Xinhong Zhang, Fanli Sun, Wenhui Yan, Siyuan Zhao, Hanyu Shi, Cong Ou, Xiaolu Yan, Jianhua Gong, Gaofei Yin, Jianxi Huang, Jiantao Liu, Bingbo Gao, Xiaochuang Yao, Jianyu Yang, and Dehai Zhu


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Short summary
We have proposed a novel framework to generate the firstly publicly released 10-m global PCGs map in 2020 derived from Sentinel-2. Results show that the global PCGs area is approximately 14,259.85 km² in 2020, mainly distributed between 30° N and 40° N. China, not only has the largest area of PCGs in Asia but also ranks first worldwide, with a PCGs area of 8,224.90 km², making up 57.67 % of the global and 83.29 % of the Asia. The overall accuracy of our Global-PCG-10 is satisfactory of 92.08 %.