Articles | Volume 17, issue 1
Data description paper
27 Jan 2025
Data description paper |  | 27 Jan 2025

An Arctic sea ice concentration data record on a 6.25 km polar stereographic grid from 3 years of Landsat-8 imagery

Hee-Sung Jung, Sang-Moo Lee, Joo-Hong Kim, and Kyungsoo Lee

Data sets

Arctic sea ice concentration data record in 6.25 km polar stereographic grid from three-year Landsat-8 imagery Hee-Sung Jung et al.

Landsat 8-9 Operational Land Imager/Thermal Infrared Sensor Level-1 Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center

Arctic and Antarctic Regional Masks for Sea Ice and Related Data Products W. N. Meier and J. S. Stewart

Landsat surface type over water from supervised classification of surface broadband albedo estimates (Version_2021_fv0.01) S. Kern

Arctic Ocean - Sea Ice Concentration Charts - Svalbard and Greenland E.U. Copernicus Marine Service Information (CMEMS)

Melt pond fraction on Arctic sea-ice from Sentinel-2 satellite optical imagery (2017-2021) H. Neihaus and G. Spreen

NOAA/NSIDC Climate Data Record of Passive Microwave Sea Ice Concentration W. N. Meier et al.

Model code and software

Software to the dataset entitled “Arctic sea ice concentration data record in 6.25 km polar stereographic grid from three-year Landsat-8 imagery” Hee-Sung Jung

Short summary
This dataset consists of reference sea ice concentration (SIC) data records over the Arctic Ocean, which were derived from the 30 m resolution imagery from the Operational Land Imager (OLI) on board Landsat-8. Each SIC map is given in a 6.25 km polar stereographic grid and is catalogued into one of the 12 regions of the Arctic Ocean. This dataset was produced to be used as a reference in the validation of various SIC products.
Final-revised paper