Articles | Volume 16, issue 9
Data description paper
26 Sep 2024
Data description paper |  | 26 Sep 2024

Changes in air pollutant emissions in China during two clean-air action periods derived from the newly developed Inversed Emission Inventory for Chinese Air Quality (CAQIEI)

Lei Kong, Xiao Tang, Zifa Wang, Jiang Zhu, Jianjun Li, Huangjian Wu, Qizhong Wu, Huansheng Chen, Lili Zhu, Wei Wang, Bing Liu, Qian Wang, Duohong Chen, Yuepeng Pan, Jie Li, Lin Wu, and Gregory R. Carmichael

Data sets

Inversed Emission Inventory for Chinese Air Quality (CAQIEI) version 1.0 Lei Kong et al.

Short summary
A new long-term inversed emission inventory for Chinese air quality (CAQIEI) is developed in this study, which contains constrained monthly emissions of NOx, SO2, CO, PM2.5, PM10, and NMVOCs in China from 2013 to 2020 with a horizontal resolution of 15 km. Emissions of different air pollutants and their changes during 2013–2020 were investigated and compared with previous emission inventories, which sheds new light on the complex variations of air pollutant emissions in China.
Final-revised paper