Articles | Volume 16, issue 9
Data description paper
13 Sep 2024
Data description paper |  | 13 Sep 2024

Multiwavelength aerosol lidars at the Maïdo supersite, Réunion Island, France: instrument description, data processing chain, and quality assessment

Dominique Gantois, Guillaume Payen, Michaël Sicard, Valentin Duflot, Nelson Bègue, Nicolas Marquestaut, Thierry Portafaix, Sophie Godin-Beekmann, Patrick Hernandez, and Eric Golubic

Data sets

L1 and L2 files for the three lidars of Maïdo observatory Dominique Gantois

Short summary
We describe three instruments that have been measuring interactions between aerosols (particles of various origin) and light over Réunion Island since 2012. Aerosols directly or indirectly influence the temperature in the atmosphere and can interact with clouds. Details are given on how we derived aerosol properties from our measurements and how we assessed the quality of our data before sharing them with the scientific community. A good correlation was found between the three instruments.
Final-revised paper