Articles | Volume 16, issue 8
Data description paper
16 Aug 2024
Data description paper |  | 16 Aug 2024

A 100 m gridded population dataset of China's seventh census using ensemble learning and big geospatial data

Yuehong Chen, Congcong Xu, Yong Ge, Xiaoxiang Zhang, and Ya'nan Zhou


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Short summary
Population data is crucial for human–nature interactions. Gridded population data can address limitations of census data in irregular units. In China, rapid urbanization necessitates timely and accurate population grids. However, existing datasets for China are either outdated or lack recent census data. Hence, a novel approach was developed to disaggregate China’s seventh census data into 100 m population grids. The resulting dataset outperformed the existing LandScan and WorldPop datasets.
Final-revised paper