Articles | Volume 16, issue 7
Data description paper
24 Jul 2024
Data description paper |  | 24 Jul 2024

Insights from a topo-bathymetric and oceanographic dataset for coastal flooding studies: the French Flooding Prevention Action Program of Saint-Malo

Léo Seyfried, Laurie Biscara, Héloïse Michaud, Fabien Leckler, Audrey Pasquet, Marc Pezerat, and Clément Gicquel

Data sets

MNT topo-bathymétrique côtier d'une partie du golfe normand-breton (PAPI Saint-Malo) Shom

MNT topo-bathymétrique côtier du port de Saint-Malo et de ses abords (PAPI Saint-Malo) Shom

Campagne océanographique in situ aux abords de Saint Malo (Shom) Shom

Short summary
In Saint-Malo, France, an initiative to enhance marine submersion prevention began in 2018. Shom conducted an extensive sea campaign, mapping the bay's topography and exploring coastal processes. High-resolution data improve knowledge of the interactions between waves, tide and surge and determine processes responsible for submersion. Beyond science, these findings contribute crucially to a local warning system, providing a tangible solution to protect the community from coastal threats.
Final-revised paper