Articles | Volume 16, issue 6
Data description paper
10 Jun 2024
Data description paper |  | 10 Jun 2024

Multifrequency radar observations of marine clouds during the EPCAPE campaign

Juan M. Socuellamos, Raquel Rodriguez Monje, Matthew D. Lebsock, Ken B. Cooper, Robert M. Beauchamp, and Arturo Umeyama

Data sets

Ka, W and G-band observations of clouds and light precipitation during the EPCAPE campaign in March and April 2023 J. M. Socuellamos et al.

Short summary
This paper describes multifrequency radar observations of clouds and precipitation during the EPCAPE campaign. The data sets were obtained from CloudCube, a Ka-, W-, and G-band atmospheric profiling radar, to demonstrate synergies between multifrequency retrievals. This data collection provides a unique opportunity to study hydrometeors with diameters in the millimeter and submillimeter size range that can be used to better understand the drop size distribution within clouds and precipitation.
Final-revised paper