Articles | Volume 16, issue 6
Data description paper
04 Jun 2024
Data description paper |  | 04 Jun 2024

Multiyear surface wave dataset from the subsurface “DeepLev” eastern Levantine moored station

Nir Haim, Vika Grigorieva, Rotem Soffer, Boaz Mayzel, Timor Katz, Ronen Alkalay, Eli Biton, Ayah Lazar, Hezi Gildor, Ilana Berman-Frank, Yishai Weinstein, Barak Herut, and Yaron Toledo

Data sets

Surface waves data from a submerged ADCP in the "DeepLev" Eastern Levantine station Haim Nir et al.

Short summary
This paper outlines the process of creating an open-access surface wave dataset, drawing from deep-sea research station observations located 50 km off the coast of Israel. The discussion covers the wave monitoring procedure, from instrument configuration to wave field retrieval, and aspects of quality assurance. The dataset presented spans over 5 years, offering uncommon in situ wave measurements in the deep sea, and addresses the existing gap in wave information within the region.
Final-revised paper