Articles | Volume 16, issue 5
Data description paper
06 May 2024
Data description paper |  | 06 May 2024

SDUST2020MGCR: a global marine gravity change rate model determined from multi-satellite altimeter data

Fengshun Zhu, Jinyun Guo, Huiying Zhang, Lingyong Huang, Heping Sun, and Xin Liu

Data sets

SDUST2020MGCR: a global marine gravity change rate model determined from multi-satellite altimeter data Zhu Fengshun, Guo Jinyun, Zhang Huiying, Huang Lingyong, Sun Heping, Liu Xin

Short summary
We used multi-satellite altimeter data to construct a high-resolution marine gravity change rate (MGCR) model on 5′×5′ grids, named SDUST2020MGCR. The spatial distribution of SDUST2020MGCR and GRACE MGCR are similar, such as in the eastern seas of Japan (dipole), western seas of the Nicobar Islands (rising), and southern seas of Greenland (falling). The SDUST2020MGCR can provide a detailed view of long-term marine gravity change, which will help to study the seawater mass migration.
Final-revised paper