Articles | Volume 16, issue 4
Data description paper
30 Apr 2024
Data description paper |  | 30 Apr 2024

Lagrangian surface drifter observations in the North Sea: an overview of high-resolution tidal dynamics and surface currents

Lisa Deyle, Thomas H. Badewien, Oliver Wurl, and Jens Meyerjürgens

Data sets

Surface Drifter North Sea 2017–2021 Jens Meyerjürgens et al.

Short summary
A dataset from the North Sea of 85 surface drifters from 2017–2021 is presented. Surface drifters enable the analysis of ocean currents by determining the velocities of surface currents and tidal effects. The entire North Sea has not been studied using drifters before, but the analysis of ocean currents is essential, e.g., to understand the pathways of plastic. The results show that there are strong tidal effects in the shallow North Sea area and strong surface currents in the deep areas.
Final-revised paper